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SMAREA 13467.463564344476
SMPERIMETER 950.8484614516244
SMGEOMETRY [B@360277be
CNAME 澳门大桥氹仔桥头
ZONE_ID z_20
geometryID 23.0
geometryType REGION
Point2D X 113.571954215
Point2D Y 22.16730863400005
Point2D X 113.57182519800006
Point2D Y 22.16739452750005
Point2D X 113.5718778700001
Point2D Y 22.167553139000063
Point2D X 113.57183725200002
Point2D Y 22.167565221000075
Point2D X 113.572177829
Point2D Y 22.168552300000044
Point2D X 113.572227623
Point2D Y 22.16867109900005
Point2D X 113.57227053100007
Point2D Y 22.16879220700008
Point2D X 113.57237550100001
Point2D Y 22.169084360000056
Point2D X 113.57244562900007
Point2D Y 22.169278573000042
Point2D X 113.57255778600006
Point2D Y 22.169637290000082
Point2D X 113.57254318600008
Point2D Y 22.169640496000056
Point2D X 113.57258853850004
Point2D Y 22.16980129050006
Point2D X 113.57261137900002
Point2D Y 22.169883747000085
Point2D X 113.57269181000004
Point2D Y 22.170204546000036
Point2D X 113.57272554000008
Point2D Y 22.17036054600004
Point2D X 113.57276087800005
Point2D Y 22.170543533000057
Point2D X 113.57282512900008
Point2D Y 22.170970885000088
Point2D X 113.57331891500007
Point2D Y 22.170924735000085
Point2D X 113.57331619900003
Point2D Y 22.170870497000067
Point2D X 113.57328249800003
Point2D Y 22.170543205000058
Point2D X 113.57324130200004
Point2D Y 22.170207275000053
Point2D X 113.573186814
Point2D Y 22.169848840000043
Point2D X 113.57316620757773
Point2D Y 22.16973554276948
Point2D X 113.573124635
Point2D Y 22.169528249000052
Point2D X 113.5726957500001
Point2D Y 22.169610472000045
Point2D X 113.57257966700001
Point2D Y 22.169213167000066
Point2D X 113.57238800797487
Point2D Y 22.16856493443442
Point2D X 113.572266936
Point2D Y 22.16818255900006
Point2D X 113.57209061785744
Point2D Y 22.167652113079516
Point2D X 113.57198579100009
Point2D Y 22.167373429000065
Point2D X 113.571954215
Point2D Y 22.16730863400005
PartIndex 0.0 31.0

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