The feature resource represents a feature. Through the feature resource, you can get, modify, and delete feature information.
SMID | 3 |
SMAREA | 2.962657579427058E-8 |
SMPERIMETER | 6.731431363708963E-4 |
SMGEOMETRY | [B@ab54184 |
ID | RI_CP_MO_003 |
道路名称 | 美副將大馬路、高地烏街 |
中心点经度 | 113.549620112 |
中心点纬度 | 22.2043079380001 |
半径 | |
人延时 | 30 |
车延时 | 30 |
geometryID | 3.0 |
geometryType | REGION |
Point2D X | 113.54959583064074 |
Point2D Y | 22.204414081123193 |
Point2D X | 113.54950907771367 |
Point2D Y | 22.204317821026027 |
Point2D X | 113.54952690365758 |
Point2D Y | 22.20419719880551 |
Point2D X | 113.54959820743326 |
Point2D Y | 22.20417164828589 |
Point2D X | 113.54972001805004 |
Point2D Y | 22.204304748667155 |
Point2D X | 113.54959583064074 |
Point2D Y | 22.204414081123193 |
PartIndex 0.0 | 6.0 |
Child resources of feature: