{ "stringID": null, "fieldNames": [ "UUID", "SMID", "SMUSERID", "SMGEOMETRY", "OBJECTID", "FID_1", "LOCATIONID", "CNAME", "PNAME", "ENAME", "SHAPE_LENG", "SHAPE_AREA", "ZHNAME", "PNAME_1", "PTYPE", "SORT", "VISIBLE_SCALE", "KEYCODE", "ORIGINPHOTO", "PHOTO", "URLCN", "URLTW", "URLPT", "URLEN", "SUPERTYPE", "SUBTYPE", "ISSUBSCENIC", "LOCATIONCN", "LOCATIONTW", "LOCATIONPT", "LOCATIONEN", "NATURE", "CONTACT", "OPENINGHOURS", "INTRODUCECN", "INTRODUCETW", "INTRODUCEPT", "INTRODUCEEN", "POIUUID", "OUTERID", "OUTERCODE", "STATUS", "SCENICID", "TEMPCLOSED", "PHOTOISDOWNLOAD", "SHOWCN", "SHOWTW", "SHOWEN", "SHOWPT", "XCZXSMID", "YHBSSMID", "ISSYNC" ], "geometry": null, "fieldValues": [ "100794", "100794", "0", "[B@4f46f74b", "100794", "100794", "0.0", "魚木\u2014氹仔海濱休憩區", "Árvore Aranha\u2014Zona de Lazer da Marginal da Taipa", "Spider Tree\u2014Leisure Area on Taipa Waterfront", "0.0", "0.0", "鱼木\u2014氹仔海滨休憩区", "Árvore Aranha\u2014Zona de Lazer da Marginal da Taipa", "18", "98", "7", "spider-tree-leisure-area-on-taipa-waterfront", "https://content.macaotourism.gov.mo/uploads/mgto_entertainment/ad26adbc5fc1927cbc22deaa359ac923a736cd09.jpg", "/files/Scenic/20221219/Capture1852103295.jpg", "https://www.macaotourism.gov.mo/zh-hans/shows-and-entertainment/flower-viewing/spider-tree", "https://www.macaotourism.gov.mo/zh-hant/shows-and-entertainment/flower-viewing/spider-tree", "https://www.macaotourism.gov.mo/pt/shows-and-entertainment/flower-viewing/spider-tree", "https://www.macaotourism.gov.mo/en/shows-and-entertainment/flower-viewing/spider-tree", "200", "206", "1", "", "", "", "", "2", "", "", "本来花序可以像黄色绣球的形状,可惜雄蕊和雌蕊为传播花粉及授粉,长出像长长的胡子般的形态。 花期:4-6月。 观赏地点:黑沙环公园、氹仔海滨休憩区", "本來花序可以像黃色繡球的形狀,可惜雄蕊和雌蕊為傳播花粉及授粉,長出像長長的鬍子般的形態。 花期:4-6月。 觀賞地點:黑沙環公園、氹仔海濱休憩區", "No princípio, as flores assumem a forma de bola bordada, de cor amarela, mas, como os estames e pistilos transmitem e recebem o pólen, as flores crescem mais parecendo surgir com barba por fazer. Período de floração: de Abril a Junho.   Locais: Parque Urbano da Areia Preta, Zona de Lazer da Marginal da Taipa.", "Its inflorescence is originally in the form of a yellow embroidered ball. However, as the stamens and pistils transmit and receive pollen, long filaments grow out from the flowers. Flowering period: from April to June. Vantage points: Areia Preta Urban Park, Leisure Area on Taipa Waterfront.", "0", "", "", "1", "3CE6F7046FEC4B73B79AFADE4BCBF158", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "0", "0", "0" ], "ID": 100794 }