{ "stringID": null, "fieldNames": [ "UUID", "SMID", "SMUSERID", "SMGEOMETRY", "OBJECTID", "FID_1", "LOCATIONID", "CNAME", "PNAME", "ENAME", "SHAPE_LENG", "SHAPE_AREA", "ZHNAME", "PNAME_1", "PTYPE", "SORT", "VISIBLE_SCALE", "KEYCODE", "ORIGINPHOTO", "PHOTO", "URLCN", "URLTW", "URLPT", "URLEN", "SUPERTYPE", "SUBTYPE", "ISSUBSCENIC", "LOCATIONCN", "LOCATIONTW", "LOCATIONPT", "LOCATIONEN", "NATURE", "CONTACT", "OPENINGHOURS", "INTRODUCECN", "INTRODUCETW", "INTRODUCEPT", "INTRODUCEEN", "POIUUID", "OUTERID", "OUTERCODE", "STATUS", "SCENICID", "TEMPCLOSED", "PHOTOISDOWNLOAD", "SHOWCN", "SHOWTW", "SHOWEN", "SHOWPT", "XCZXSMID", "YHBSSMID", "ISSYNC" ], "geometry": null, "fieldValues": [ "100270", "100270", "0", "[B@25de3a13", "100270", "100270", "0.0", "千盛爐端燒料理", "Estabelecimento de Comidas Chin Seng", "Estabelecimento de Comidas Chin Seng", "0.0", "0.0", "千盛炉端烧料理", "Estabelecimento de Comidas Chin Seng", "18", "98", "7", "estabelecimento-de-comidas-chin-seng", "https://content.macaotourism.gov.mo/uploads/mgto_fnb/lcp_509_509.1.jpg", "/files/Scenic/20230911/Capture1330148042.jpg", "https://www.macaotourism.gov.mo/zh-hans/dining/specialty-foods/specialty-restaurants/estabelecimento-de-comidas-chin-seng", "https://www.macaotourism.gov.mo/zh-hant/dining/specialty-foods/specialty-restaurants/estabelecimento-de-comidas-chin-seng", "https://www.macaotourism.gov.mo/pt/dining/specialty-foods/specialty-restaurants/estabelecimento-de-comidas-chin-seng", "https://www.macaotourism.gov.mo/en/dining/specialty-foods/specialty-restaurants/estabelecimento-de-comidas-chin-seng", "400", "401", "0", "", "", "", "", "4", "", "", "千盛,一家居民区里的日本料理店,老板二十多年的日餐经验给这家小店加上光环。从学艺铁板烧,到自己研究其他菜色,千盛的菜单丰富得超乎想象。固定菜单早已容纳不下时时更新的美食,墙上挂的黑板上密密麻麻罗列著千盛的美味密码。海上鲜鱼盛、三文鱼芝士蟹肉烧饼,最新鲜的食材是老板娘对食物的尊重。黑椒雪花牛舌、安格斯肉眼厚烧,优选的食材被恰到好处的火候成就出绝佳的口感。杂锦串烧,一人独享是全面满足,好友分食便是适应众口。不靠包装美味至上是千盛的核心,贴心招待温馨相处是千盛的魅力。这里可以是放学下班后的充饥食堂,也可以是深夜小酌的闲适酒馆。 美食推介:海上鲜鱼盛、杂锦串烧、黑椒雪花牛舌、三文鱼芝士蟹肉烧饼、安格斯肉眼厚烧", "千盛,一家居民區裏的日本料理店,老闆二十多年的日餐經驗給這家小店加上光環。從學藝鐵板燒,到自己研究其他菜色,千盛的菜單豐富得超乎想像。固定菜單早已容納不下時時更新的美食,牆上掛的黑板上密密麻麻羅列著千盛的美味密碼。海上鮮魚盛、三文魚芝士蟹肉燒餅,最新鮮的食材是老闆娘對食物的尊重。黑椒雪花牛舌、安格斯肉眼厚燒,優選的食材被恰到好處的火候成就出絕佳的口感。雜錦串燒,一人獨享是全面滿足,好友分食便是適應眾口。不靠包裝美味至上是千盛的核心,貼心招待溫馨相處是千盛的魅力。這裏可以是放學下班後的充飢食堂,也可以是深夜小酌的閑適酒館。 美食推介:海上鮮魚盛、雜錦串燒、黑椒雪花牛舌、三文魚芝士蟹肉燒餅、安格斯肉眼厚燒", "Estabelecimento De Comidas Chin Seng, um restaurante japonês situada numa área residencial. A experiência de 20 anos do dono da loja em comida japonesa adiciona um halo a este pequeno restaurante. Desde aprender a arte do “teppanyaki” até pesquisar outros pratos por conta própria, o menu do Chin Seng está além da imaginação. O menu fixo já cabe para pôr as comidas que actualizam frequentemente. O quadro negro pendurado na parede está densamente listado com os deliciosos códigos do Chin Seng. Peixe fresco do mar, carne de caranguejo assado com salmão e queijo, os ingredientes mais frescos são o respeito da dona da loja pela comida. Língua de boi marmoleada com pimenta preta, olho do lombo Ancho assado, os melhores ingredientes escolhidos são feitos com um calor certo para criar um sabor excelente. Os espetos sortidos, é a plena satisfação de ser apreciada sozinha, e dividir com os amigos é de adaptar aos gostos de todos. Sem depender de embalagens, a supremacia da delícia é o núcleo do Chin Seng, e a hospitalidade calorosa é o charme do Chin Seng. Aqui, pode ser uma cantina para saciar sua fome depois da escola e sair do trabalho ou um pub relaxante para bebidas de tarde da noite. Comidas recomendados: Peixe fresco do mar, espetos sortidos, língua de boi marmoleada com pimenta preta, carne de caranguejo assado com salmão e queijo, olho do lombo Ancho assado", "Chin Seng is a Japanese restaurant in a residential area. The owner’s over twenty years of experience in Japanese cuisine buffs up this small restaurant. From learning the skills of teppanyaki to self-devising other dishes, the menu of Chin Seng is unimaginably extensive. The fixed menu has already been unable to accommodate the frequently updated items, while the gastronomic key words are tightly written on the blackboard hanging on the wall. In Fish Sashimi Platter as well as Salmon and Crab Okonomiyaki with Cheese, the freshest food ingredients are featured out of the owner lady’s respect for food. Black Pepper Marbled Ox Tongue and Grilled Thick-Cut Angus Rib Eye feature well-selected food ingredients that are precisely cooked to yield a great texture. Assorted Skewers offers single diners an all-round satisfaction and caters to an array of different preferences of diners in groups. Chin Seng’s essence is focusing on taste instead of presentation, while its charm lies in the warm hospitality. This place is a dining spot for satisfying after-school or work hunger. It can also be a comfortable pub for a late-night drink. Recommendations: Fish Sashimi Platter, Assorted Skewers, Black Pepper Marbled Ox Tongue, Salmon and Crab Okonomiyaki with Cheese, Grilled Thick-Cut Angus Rib Eye", "0", "", "", "1", "8EFC6A41B0174CC5BB8D5186E43D3639", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "0", "0", "1" ], "ID": 100270 }