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SMAREA 46.90571037316535
SMPERIMETER 27.397624599697505
SMGEOMETRY [B@5b44c552
SHAPE_LENG 2.57517951298E-4
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geometryID 14.0
geometryType REGION
Point2D X 113.53266970000004
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Point2D X 113.53273658500007
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Point2D X 113.53273251000007
Point2D Y 22.185145366000086
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Point2D Y 22.18514092500004
Point2D X 113.53271436500006
Point2D Y 22.185139837000065
Point2D X 113.532698783
Point2D Y 22.185143293000067
Point2D X 113.53268339700003
Point2D Y 22.185149729000045
Point2D X 113.53267866700003
Point2D Y 22.185153099000047
Point2D X 113.53266970000004
Point2D Y 22.185159171000066
PartIndex 0.0 25.0

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