The feature resource represents a feature. Through the feature resource, you can get, modify, and delete feature information.
SMID | 3 |
SMAREA | 411.8069158356364 |
SMPERIMETER | 86.23988038626692 |
SMGEOMETRY | [B@3b2d1322 |
SHAPE_LENG | 8.00391379729E-4 |
SHAPE_AREA | 3.60691541422E-8 |
geometryID | 3.0 |
geometryType | REGION |
Point2D X | 113.54360171100006 |
Point2D Y | 22.215897918000053 |
Point2D X | 113.54362256700006 |
Point2D Y | 22.21594219600007 |
Point2D X | 113.5436544910001 |
Point2D Y | 22.216008233000082 |
Point2D X | 113.54366938600003 |
Point2D Y | 22.21603973400005 |
Point2D X | 113.54368157100009 |
Point2D Y | 22.216064473000074 |
Point2D X | 113.543708907 |
Point2D Y | 22.21611194500008 |
Point2D X | 113.54371726500005 |
Point2D Y | 22.216125180000063 |
Point2D X | 113.54372902600005 |
Point2D Y | 22.216137574000072 |
Point2D X | 113.543740243 |
Point2D Y | 22.216145932000074 |
Point2D X | 113.54378977600004 |
Point2D Y | 22.216185717000087 |
Point2D X | 113.54380819900007 |
Point2D Y | 22.216159693000066 |
Point2D X | 113.54382151300001 |
Point2D Y | 22.216131095000037 |
Point2D X | 113.54382931600003 |
Point2D Y | 22.216100785000037 |
Point2D X | 113.54383137400009 |
Point2D Y | 22.216069675000085 |
Point2D X | 113.54382762500006 |
Point2D Y | 22.216038703000038 |
Point2D X | 113.54381818200011 |
Point2D Y | 22.216008800000054 |
Point2D X | 113.54380332900007 |
Point2D Y | 22.21598086700004 |
Point2D X | 113.54378351300011 |
Point2D Y | 22.215955746000077 |
Point2D X | 113.54375933200004 |
Point2D Y | 22.215934193000066 |
Point2D X | 113.54373151300001 |
Point2D Y | 22.21591685700008 |
Point2D X | 113.54370089400004 |
Point2D Y | 22.21590425900007 |
Point2D X | 113.54366839700003 |
Point2D Y | 22.215896781000083 |
Point2D X | 113.5436350010001 |
Point2D Y | 22.215894646000038 |
Point2D X | 113.54360171100006 |
Point2D Y | 22.215897918000053 |
PartIndex 0.0 | 24.0 |
Child resources of feature: