The feature resource represents a feature. Through the feature resource, you can get, modify, and delete feature information.
SMID | 19 |
SMAREA | 1109.6802664660167 |
SMPERIMETER | 273.4994472253608 |
SMGEOMETRY | [B@175797ed |
CNAME | 新城A区至人工岛桥3 |
STATUS | 1 |
ZONE_ID | z_17 |
geometryID | 19.0 |
geometryType | REGION |
Point2D X | 113.57136161963258 |
Point2D Y | 22.199154491983915 |
Point2D X | 113.5708320063798 |
Point2D Y | 22.199187892298077 |
Point2D X | 113.57059785985992 |
Point2D Y | 22.199231791225788 |
Point2D X | 113.57037190585989 |
Point2D Y | 22.19932589222579 |
Point2D X | 113.57021183674325 |
Point2D Y | 22.199444409359785 |
Point2D X | 113.57021161860627 |
Point2D Y | 22.199548745748665 |
Point2D X | 113.57022803098977 |
Point2D Y | 22.199532264917618 |
Point2D X | 113.57040728161925 |
Point2D Y | 22.199397819942046 |
Point2D X | 113.57062466711925 |
Point2D Y | 22.199307287387043 |
Point2D X | 113.57084414103797 |
Point2D Y | 22.199267001458065 |
Point2D X | 113.57135836043973 |
Point2D Y | 22.199235585931476 |
Point2D X | 113.57136161963258 |
Point2D Y | 22.199154491983915 |
PartIndex 0.0 | 12.0 |
Child resources of feature: