The feature resource represents a feature. Through the feature resource, you can get, modify, and delete feature information.
SMID | 122 |
SMLENGTH | 1009.774061970486 |
SMGEOMETRY | [B@568f63cf |
OBJECTID | 2204 |
CNAME | 勞動節大馬路 |
ENAME | Avenida 1o de Maio |
PNAME | Avenida 1o de Maio |
FID_1 | 1879 |
IACM_CODE | 1879 |
SHAPE_LENG | 0.00948923885734 |
geometryID | 122.0 |
geometryType | LINE |
Point2D X | 113.55359995700007 |
Point2D Y | 22.211016529000062 |
Point2D X | 113.55952307000007 |
Point2D Y | 22.20607406000005 |
Point2D X | 113.55959016300005 |
Point2D Y | 22.206023032000076 |
Point2D X | 113.55962899800011 |
Point2D Y | 22.20599881800007 |
Point2D X | 113.55968153800006 |
Point2D Y | 22.20597762200009 |
Point2D X | 113.5597098940001 |
Point2D Y | 22.20597203600005 |
Point2D X | 113.55973708800002 |
Point2D Y | 22.205968641000084 |
Point2D X | 113.55977202100007 |
Point2D Y | 22.205969158000073 |
Point2D X | 113.5598052040001 |
Point2D Y | 22.205974517000072 |
Point2D X | 113.55983377100006 |
Point2D Y | 22.20598056500006 |
Point2D X | 113.5598780360001 |
Point2D Y | 22.205994359000044 |
Point2D X | 113.55989985200006 |
Point2D Y | 22.206009502000086 |
Point2D X | 113.5599322170001 |
Point2D Y | 22.20603544800008 |
Point2D X | 113.560227156 |
Point2D Y | 22.206344036000075 |
Point2D X | 113.56032023800003 |
Point2D Y | 22.206441427000073 |
Point2D X | 113.56044274400006 |
Point2D Y | 22.20656960200006 |
Point2D X | 113.56059923400005 |
Point2D Y | 22.206774215000053 |
Point2D X | 113.560663395 |
Point2D Y | 22.20687012400009 |
Point2D X | 113.560702881 |
Point2D Y | 22.206932892000054 |
Point2D X | 113.56077172500011 |
Point2D Y | 22.207047483000053 |
PartIndex 0.0 | 20.0 |
Child resources of feature: