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SMLENGTH 937.2554665580951
SMGEOMETRY [B@4e53eb68
CNAME 西望洋馬路
ENAME Estrada da Penha
PNAME Estrada da Penha
FID_1 1599
SHAPE_LENG 0.00874895956129
geometryID 39.0
geometryType LINE
Point2D X 113.53285744900006
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Point2D X 113.53221740800007
Point2D Y 22.184525552000082
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Point2D Y 22.184593291000056
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Point2D Y 22.18505123600005
Point2D X 113.53369212500002
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Point2D X 113.5337560480001
Point2D Y 22.184781077000082
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Point2D Y 22.18470506500006
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Point2D X 113.53273828300007
Point2D Y 22.183212473000083
Point2D X 113.532782978
Point2D Y 22.183108222000044
Point2D X 113.53285744900006
Point2D Y 22.182890461000056
PartIndex 0.0 47.0

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