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SMAREA 316809.3534237083
SMPERIMETER 3110.5943890654253
CNAME 西湾大桥旁填海区
ZONE_ID z_13
geometryID 10.0
geometryType REGION
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Point2D X 113.54375641500008
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Point2D X 113.5434307270001
Point2D Y 22.170478185000036
Point2D X 113.54331700800003
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Point2D X 113.54317829700005
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Point2D X 113.54305458400006
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Point2D X 113.542933113
Point2D Y 22.171132309000086
Point2D X 113.54430010100009
Point2D Y 22.17117421000006
PartIndex 0.0 54.0

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